GRE 단어장/2일차

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Admin (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 8월 29일 (월) 15:32 판
정답 보기/접기
make (someone) feel embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed. (모욕하다, 부끄럽게 하다)
  • But there is also a sort of confused, abashed one, often ironic, that acknowledges a problem and tries to work through a particularly American obliviousness.
  • Here, furious parents throw open the cupboard to reveal their daughter’s abashed lover, as younger children look on wide-eyed and the family dog prepares to attack.
  • (+ Unabashedly 양심의 가책도 없이, 부끄러움도 없이)