그란 카스티야 대공국 헌법

Kbmhs19 (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 3월 25일 (목) 13:08 판 (→‎IV. PARLIAMENT)

Code of Legal Document
of the
Principality of Grande Castille

(No. 1.)
Constitution of the Principality of Grande Castille
on 24th day of March, 2021
by Prince of Castille, Alfonso Carlos I


With my Loyalty to the Queen of Great Britain,
I, The first Prince of Castille, Alfonso Carlos I, declared my nation’s independence from my claimed estate, making it clear that I was loyal to the Queen of Great Britain and that I would join the Commonwealth.
Therefore, I establish, approve, and declare this constitution

to defend our sovereignty,
to ensure people's safety,
to promote social stability,
to promote economic prosperity,
to protect freedom and rights,
to crack down on illegal activities,
to provide joint defense,
and to perpetuate our values to our next generations.

대영제국 여왕 폐하에 대한 충성심을 바치며,
나, 초대 카스티유 대공, 알폰소 까를로스 1세는, 주권을 주장하는 영토로부터 나의 국가의 독립을 선언하며, 내가 대영제국 여왕에 충성하고 영연방에 마땅히 가입할 것임을 명백히 밝힌다.
따라서, 나는 이 헌법을

우리의 주권을 지키고,
국민의 안전을 보장하며,
사회 안정을 추구하고,
경제의 번영을 촉진하며,
자유와 권리를 수호하고,
모든 불법적 행위를 분쇄하며,
공동방위를 제공하고,
우리가 소중히 여기는 가치를 다음 세대에 물려주기 위하여 제정한다.

Upon publication of the Constitution, the following matters are ordered to be implemented throughout the country:
헌법의 공표에 앞서, 다음 사항은 전국에 걸쳐 명령된다.

§. 1.

The Queen of Great Britain shall be the nominal Head of State of our Nation.
The Prince of Castille shall be the de facto Head of State of our Nation.
대영제국 여왕은 명목상의 국가원수이다.
카스티유 대공은 실질적 국가원수이다.

§. 2.

People of our Nation shall be Loyal to the Queen of Great Britain at the same time that they belong to our Nation.
우리 국민은 본국에 소속됨과 동시에 대영제국의 여왕에 충성한다.

§. 3.

The Constitution is effective immediately from the time the Marriage of Prince Alfonso Carlos I and his Fiance was declared.
When the Constitution is not effective but approved, all administrative affairs shall be based on it.
The following matters are treated the same as the contents of the Constitution even before it takes effect;

the right of Prince to command,
economic policy and social policy,
investigation and punishment of crimes.

헌법은 대공 알폰소 까를로스 1세와 그의 약혼자가 결혼하는 즉시[1] 그 효력을 가진다.
헌법이 승인되었지만 효과가 없을 때는, (대공의 정치적 영향력은) 본 헌법에 기반한다.
헌법이 효력을 가지지 않았더라도 다음 사항은 헌법에 따라 처리된다.

대공의 명령권,
경제 및 사회정책,
범죄에 대한 조사와 처벌.

§. 4.

Elections shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, but the date not prescribed shall be determined in the following manner:
It shall be implemented on weekdays within 14 to 42 days from the time the Constitution becomes effective in consideration of time of the preparation from the publication of the Constitution to its effectiveness.
선거는 헌법이 효력을 가진 지 14일 내지 42일이 지난 시점의 평일에 실시될 것이다. 그 시점과 효력 발생일까지의 시간은 헌법이 얼마나 알려지고 이를 국민이 이해했는지를 고려하여 헌법의 무효 기간이 짧을수록 더 많은 준비 기간을 가진다.

§. 5.

The Claimed Territory of the Principality is as follows:

1. Grande Ciudad Real «Capitale de Grane Castille»
2. Ile de Siga
3. Ile-Premier
4. Ile-Deuxieme
5. Ile-Troiseme
6. Bir Tawil

영유권이 주장되는 영토는 다음과 같다:

그란데 시우다드 레알 '꺄삐탈르 드 그헝드 까스티유(그란 카스티유의 수도)'
일 드 시가
비르 타윌


1. Common Good

The Principality of Grande Castille shall be the Common Good of all their People.
그란데 카스티유 대공국은 그 국민을 위한 공동선이 된다.

2. Form of the State

The Principality of Grande Castile, which introduced the Parliamentary System, is a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy ruled by Law and the British Monarch.
그란데 카스티유 대공국은, 의회 제도를 도입하였고, 법률과 대영제국 군주에 의해 통치되는 민주적인 입헌 군주제 국가이다.

3. Relationship with British Monarch

The British Monarch is the Head of State, and the Prince exercises his Authority as the Head of State on a Mandate from the Monarch.
All the People and the Government are loyal to the British Monarch.

4. Sovereignty as the Independent State

The Principality is independent and has their own Sovereignty.
All Sovereignty is granted by the British Monarch, which is permanently delegated to the Principality. This Sovereignty belongs to all the People.

5. Indivisible Nation

The Principality, which consist of Provinces around the World, is indivisible.

6. Federalism

The Principality is a federal State.
The Federal Government will effect their Power across the whole Nation.
The Provincial Government can decide how much they will pay Taxes for the Province and how to spend their Budget.

7. People and Citizen

He or She, who has the Nationality of the Principality, shall be the People of Grande Castille.
He or She, who was born of Citizen of the Principality or get it, shall be the Citized of the Grande Castille. Citizedship can never be lost by any Reason or Power.

8. Territories

Territory shall be prescribed by the Law.
Development, Expansion and Purchase of the Foreign Territory shall be prescribed by the Law, «Settler Act».

9. Provinces

The Territory shall be divided into Provinces considering its Location, Culture, History, and Environment.
Governments in each Province exercise exclusive Authority over the Province Budget and have the Right to establish a Province Constitution and elect Province Legislatures through Elections.


10. Flag

National Flag of the Principality is «Pulpura y oro:Bandera Inmortal», consists of bands of Purple, Gold and Purple. Gold Area is twice the Width of Purple Area and it has the Flag of the Kingdom of Castilla on the left and the Flag of the Empire of España on the right.
In a Public Places, the Royal Flag of the British Empire and «Pulpura y oro:Bandera Inmortal» are simultaneously hoisted.
대공국 국기는 '보라색과 금색:불멸의 깃발'이며, 이는 보라-금색-보라의 세 부분으로 구성된다. 금색 부분은 각 보라색 부분의 두 배 너비를 가지며, 그 안에 카스티야 왕국기를 왼쪽, 에스파냐 제국기를 오른쪽에 같이 넣는다.
공식적인 자리에서는, 대영제국의 왕실기와 대공국의 국기가 함께 사용된다.

11. Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms shall be determined with the Consent of the British Monarch, including its Patterns and Shapes, Colors, Symbols and Phrases.
The Patterns are used in Official Government Documents and Publications, Laws, Orders and Military.
국장은 대영제국 국왕에게 문양, 모양, 배색, 상징, 문구를 자문하여 이를 제작한다.
국장은 공문, 공식 발표, 법률, 명령, 군사적 목적에 사용할 수 있다.

12. Natural Symbols

The National Flower is a red Rose.
The National Tree is a Cherry Tree.
The National Bird is a Rooster with a long blue Tail.
국화는 붉은 장미이다.
국목은 벚나무이다.
국조는 길고 푸른 꼬리를 가진 수탉이다.

13. National Anthem

The «Marcha Real» shall be the National Anthem.
Lyrics shall be prescribed by the Prince.
'마르차 레알(왕의 행진곡)'을 국가로 한다.
가사는 대공에 의해 정해진다.


14. Prince

The Prince of the Principality is a de facto Head of State.

15. Powers of Prince

The Prince shall exercise all the Powers of the Legislature, Administration and Judiciary specified in the Laws of the State.

16. Inviolability

The Prince is obliged to exercise his rightful Authority and commit himself to the State in Accordance with the Social Consensus, Law and History, and at the same time is granted the Right to do so. The Power and Position of the Prince are inviolable.

17. Exclusive Authority

The Prince exercises his own exclusive Authority to add, edit or delete a Article, Order or Law, to declare War, to exercise Amnesty, to order Elections, to order Emergency Measures of the new Law across the Nation, to declare Martial Law and State of Emergency, and to appoint Lords.

18. Exclusive Right of Approval

The Prince exercises his own exclusive Right of Approval to form a Government, to dissolve Parliament, to approve Cabinet No Confidence Motions, to execute the Death Penalty, to recruit Troops, to conclude Treaties and Diplomatic Relations with Foreign Countries, and to implement Budget Proposals.

19. The General Authority of the Prince

The Prince has the General Authority to re-examine and declare Laws, convene and dissolve Parliament, hold Referendums, appoint and dismiss Officials, appoint a Government Official, report on State Affairs, send them to Meetings, rule the Army, exercise the Powers of Emissaries, and take political Measures to protect the People.

20. Succession of the Prince

The Title of Prince shall be conferred in the following Order on a Man who is a Citizen and a Noble of the Principality:
The First to succeed is the eldest Son of an incumbent Prince. The next is his other Son in the Order of Age, and if he did not have a Son, the Descendants of the Prince succeeded him. If there are no Descendants, the Title will be succeeded according to the Rank designated by the Prince as his Successor, and if they all die or do not exist, a State of Emergency will be declared and a Meeting of the Nobles will determine the Man with the highest Legitimacy.

21. Prerogative of the Prince

The prince shall not be arrested, prosecuted, reprimanded, or dismissed under any Circumstances, and shall not be Subject to Litigation and shall have the Privilege of being permanently protected.


22. Legislature

The Legislature of the Principality is formed by l’Assemble Nationale, which is a Lower House, and le Conseil Federal, which is a Upper House.
입법부는 하원인 '라셈블레 나쇼날(국민의회)'와 상원인 '르 꽁씰 페데랄(연방평의회)'로 구성한다.

23. Legislative Power

The Legislative Power of the Principality is the power to enact, delete or modify Laws, to examine Budget Bills, and to form or distrust a Government.
The Legislative Power shall be exercised through Parliamentary Agreement, Debate and Vote of the Members of l’Assemble Nationale and le Conseil Federal.
대공국의 입법권은 법률을 제/개정 및 제거하고, 예산안을 심사하고, 내각을 구성하는 것을 말한다.
입법권은 의회인 연방평의회 및 국민의회 의원의 합의, 토론 이후의 투표를 통하여 행사된다.

24. L’Assemble Nationale

L’Assemble Nationale, with the Power to form a Government, elect a Premier Minister, and Non-Confidence in the Cabinet, monopolizes Bills related to Revenue.
'라셈블레 나쇼날(국민의회)는, 내각 구성에 대한 권한을 가지며, 제1장관(수상)을 선출하고, 내각불신임결의를 할 수 있으며, 세입과 관련된 법안을 독점한다.

25. Le Conseil Federal

Le Conseil Federal has Authority over Personnel Rights, consent to the Declaration of War, Establishment of diplomatic Relations and the Conclusion of Treaties, Expulsion of Members of Le Conseil Federal, and Impeachment of Cabinet Members.
'르 꽁씰 페데랄(연방평의회)'는 인사권, 전쟁선포권, 외교관계 수립 및 조약의 체결권, 연방평의회 의원의 제명권, 내각 각료의 탄핵권을 독점한다.

26. Legislative Election

A Candidate with the most preferred Votes in each Constituency or Province deserves to be elected to a parliamentary Seat.
Members of l’Assemble Nationale, who have a year of term, shall be elected by their Constituency’s People.
Members of le Conseil Federal, who have three years of term, shall be elected by their Province’s People.
가장 많은 선호 득표를 받은 후보는 각 지역구 혹은 주에서 그 배정된 의석을 할당받는다.
국민의회 의원은 1년의 임기를 가지며, 그 지역구의 지역구민들에게 선출된다.
연방평의회 의원은 3년의 임기를 가지며, 그 주의 주민들에게 선출된다.

27. Number of Members

The total Number of Members of l’Assemble Nationale shall be Odd.
Two Members of le Conseil Federal are elected from each State. The Number of Members of le Conseil Federal is twice the Number of Provinces.

28. Vote for Premier Minister

Member who win a Majority of the Vote in l’Assemble Nationale shall become Premier Minister. As soon as the Premier Minister is elected, the Government shall be launched with Approval from the Prince.

29. No Confidence Motion

A No Confidence Motion in the Cabinet is passed by a Majority of l’Assemble Nationale. Upon the Approval of the Prince, the Government will terminate its Activities, the Parliament will dissolve and Re-election will be held.

30. Appointment of Cabinet Minister

The Minister's Appointment will be passed by a Majority of le Conseil Federal after a Confirmation hearing after the Premier Minister's Nomination. The Job begins as soon as it is approved by the Prince.

31. Submission of Budget Bill

The Budget Bill will be submitted by the Premier Minister through a Review by the Cabinet Meeting. After reviewing and revising the Budget Bill in l’Assemble Nationale, next Year's Budget Bill will be finalized through the Prince's Approval.

32. Appointment of Supreme Court Justice

The Process of Appointing a Supreme Court Justice is the same as the Appointment of a Cabinet Minister under Article 30 of the Constitution.

33. Privileges and Obligations

The incumbent Member shall have the Privilege of Arrest. No Arrest shall be made without the Consent of the Parliament. Exceptions shall apply to Current Offenders.
Any Person cannot be a Member of l’Assemble Nationale and a Member of le Conseil Federal at the same time.
Any Member of Parliament shall not use confidential Information obtained in the Course of managing State affairs for personal Gain.
Prior to Member’s Inauguration, a Member shall take an Oath with one’s life that one shall engage in one’s Duties for the Sake of the State and the Public, be Loyal to the Monarch of the British Empire, and not use the Privileges thereof against Social Order.

34. Qualification

Adults who are free and have no criminal Record of serious Crimes over the Age of 16 are eligible to run for and become a Member of Parliament.
  1. 미래 상황을 가정하고 작성하였다.